There Is Enough Success for Everyone

There Is Enough Success for Everyone

Do you believe that you can succeed? If you don't, you won't. It's that simple. How do you feel when you think about your success? Excited? Eager? Depressed? Tired? Terrified? Even the smallest amount of ambivalence...

Success Is an Inside Job

Success Is an Inside Job

What are your beliefs around success? Do you believe that success only happens under certain conditions? Do we have to work hard, or have a special talent, or be smarter, faster or bolder than others? Is success just part of the “rat race,” achieved only when

Our Bodies Reflect Our Beliefs

Our Bodies Reflect Our Beliefs

What do our beliefs have to do with health and wellness? Do you see yourself as “healthy?” Or do you fear your body breaking down, becoming weak or in pain from illness? Do you feel fearful when you hear about flu epidemics, or how everyone on the 4th floor has that terrible cold?

Finding Our True Balance

Finding Our True Balance

A lightbulb went off for me the other day in speaking with a good friend who works from home on the subject of how in-balance or out-of-balance her life felt...

We Are Not the Body

We Are Not the Body

Do you believe that you are your body? Do you believe that the experiences you are having in this physical body are YOU? Many of us do. You can hear it in the language that we use. We say things like "I'm fat,” “I'm tired,” “I’m sad,” “he's attracted to me,” “she thinks I'm cute,” “I hate looking old,” “I am angry,” “he made me disgusted,” “I'm sick and tired of working," etc. These are all statements that say, “I AM my body.”

Health is a Belief Away

Health is a Belief Away

How do our beliefs live in our bodies? When we hold a limiting belief, our bodies respond to the feelings we generate from that belief. When I feel driven, I get headaches. When I'm fearful, I can develop an ulcer. Longstanding resentments can create cancer. If I feel desperate, I can manifest pneumonia.

Botched plans? No problem!

Botched plans? No problem!

Do you believe that when things don't go according to our plan, there is a problem? That something is wrong or that something bad is happening, or will happen, if circumstances don't match what we want or expect? Many of us create havoc and heartache in the pursuit of an outcome we have decided is the only way to what we want. When things don’t turn out as we expect, it can feel like the end of the world.

When Negative Things Happen

When Negative Things Happen

What do you believe about the 'negative' experiences we have had in our lives? As a child many of us felt abandoned, neglected, shamed, criticized, embarrassed, humiliated, overlooked, used, abused, bullied or over-controlled by caregivers, siblings, or others that claimed to care about us...

Is Life for, or Against, You?

Is Life for, or Against, You?

Do you believe that life is for you, or against you? Most of us believe that some larger force, one that is mostly out of our control, is running the show, and it's up to us to respond in ways that keep us safe and in good favor with that force. Many of us have had this experience through our religion with an angry/judgmental God that needs us to behave a certain way here in this “hell” on earth, in order to earn our way into heaven later.

Finding Heaven on Earth

Finding Heaven on Earth

Do you believe in heaven? How about heaven on earth? What if heaven on earth isn't just a religious concept, but an actual experience that is available to each of us right now?

Some people experience heaven on earth all the time, in everything they give their attention to...

Manifesting Our Desires

Manifesting Our Desires

How do we manifest our desires? By aligning our expectations with those desires. Sounds simple, right? Yet, unless we are aware of our REAL expectations, those driven by our core beliefs, we are unable to get into alignment...

Creating What You Desire

Creating What You Desire

What is it that you desire in your life? Is it a new car, larger breasts, or just being able to sleep in on the weekends? Are they small desires, or are you still in touch with your big dreams for yourself, your family or the world...