Feeling Good All The Time

Feeling Good All The Time

Do you believe we can choose to feel good in any moment? Most of us don't. We have been taught to respond to what’s right in front of us and feel the feelings that go with that experience. If the experience is something we want, we feel good. If its something we don't want, we feel bad....

Worry Is Useless

Worry Is Useless

Do you believe that worrying helps? That it makes a difference in what happens to us or those we care about? Perhaps you learned that worrying was a sign of caring, love or loyalty? Maybe you learned that worrying is like praying... the more you do it, the better the odds of a good outcome?

Feelings First, Then Action

Feelings First, Then Action

Why do we rely on our logic alone to decide our best course of action? We are told that emotions are not ‘appropriate’ in the workplace, and our left-brain, linear, dualistic thinking is the best problem- solving approach to success. If that is so, then where does passion come in? Trust? Knowing that others have your back…

Feeling Seen and Heard

Feeling Seen and Heard

Why is it that some people always get the attention, encouragement and acknowledgement necessary for success and others don’t…

Acknowledgement Works!

Acknowledgement Works!

How do we keep from getting defensive or shutting down when others are reacting or acting badly? Some of us get embarrassed and feel the other person’s behavior is a direct reflection on us. We fear for our own reputation/credibility by association.

Limiting Beliefs are Not the Truth

Limiting Beliefs are Not the Truth

Why do we defend our beliefs so strongly even when they don’t serve us? If we look through history, we can see that many, many people defended their viewpoint – even to the death. Why do we do this?

Our Focus Matters

Our Focus Matters

If beliefs are just thoughts we keep thinking until they become true for us, we could create a belief about anything we want—right? Then why do we keep thinking thoughts about what we DON'T want…

How Do We Stop 'Shoulding' Ourselves?

How Do We Stop 'Shoulding' Ourselves?

Why do we use the word should in our language? The dictionary definition of should is “used to indicate obligation, duty, or correctness, typically when criticizing someone's actions.” We use the word should in our daily lives to make ourselves and others wrong about how we feel, what we want, and how we see the world…



Who do we think is worthy of our trust? What is it that makes someone ‘trustworthy’ to us? What about the times that someone didn’t come through for us when we needed them to? Can someone be completely ‘trustworthy’ to us? Read more to find out...

Can Anger Be Our Friend?

Can Anger Be Our Friend?

Most of us think anger is a problem - and it can be if we are not in right relationship to the energy of anger. In our western culture, few of us were taught how to allow and express our anger - or any emotions - in a healthy and responsible ways...

Getting the Help We Need

Getting the Help We Need

What keeps us from asking for help when we need it? So many of us have learned we have to do everything ourselves – how did that happen? As humans, we hate to feel helpless and yet so many of us learned that we could only get what we needed from other people which can have us feel dependent and out of control...

When Work is a Four-Letter Word

When Work is a Four-Letter Word

Why do so many of us believe that WORK is a four-letter word? When did our 'feelings' about work become so negative and filled with powerlessness and obligation? Many of us can hardly wait until it's Friday, time for vacation, or holiday time - working just to enjoy our non-work time!